Blog News

It’s unlikely anyone will stumble upon the pages within this little blog after so many years of them collecting dust.  While I have long since traveled beyond the confines of the Christian tradition, it’s hard to actually pull down these old posts because I think they are more progressive than much of the conversation that occurs in North American Christian circles these days.

Additionally they were written in the context of a devout Christian walk at the time; even if my walk has since carried me many miles beyond the lands of institutionalized religion.  I think they have value, even if they are a snapshot of a personal faith that doesn’t exist in that form anymore.

I am an apostate of the Christian faith.  But I don’t believe there is anything wrong with being Christian.  If practicing and growing in Christianity is a blessing in your life, excellent.  I hope you are, in turn, a blessing to those around you. Perhaps some of this writing can still be of some use to someone seeking.

I just thought I’d take the time to say I’m not posting much these days 🙂 No surprise, huh? All my leisure time has been spent playing Oblivion lately. Not sure why that’s so enjoyable. But I thought I should at least say I’m still alive, checking comments occasionally and interested in keeping in touch with you guys. (more…)

Finally! After six weeks of studying and preparing, I have been offered and accepted the position of protection engineer at my company! This is really exciting! As I’ve said before it will mean more self-study and homework, but ultimately this position will be very interesting and engaging.

Thank you everyone for your support in all of this! It’s been a crazy six weeks; now it’s time to start a crazy (but hopefully fun) six months. Peace out – enjoy those video games, folks. You know I will!  Oh and speaking of which, Al found something that makes me just wish I had two grand to throw away. This is probably one of the greatest entertainment devices ever created. If I had one that’s how I would be celebrating tonight!

I’ve been absent from the blog circle to say the least, but there is a reason. Sorry I haven’t replied to your comments in a timely manner, I’ve been busy! I’ve been reading all my friends postings, though I haven’t commented much. Time constraints are just that. For anyone who cares to know what occupies my time recently, read on. (more…)

Actually, don’t take that as egotism. I just miss doing the Fark thing. Anyway… It’s crazy.  I’ve been gone for so long, now I’ve got three updates in two days!  And one of them is the biggest chunk of writing I have ever put together on this site. Almost five years ago I went on a short term work assignment in York, England. The trip was, without a doubt, the most painful thing that ever happened to me. But misfortune, in hindsight, can be very funny. So no reason to let all that suffering go to waste!

So check it out here! Like I said it’s long. You may want to take a couple sittings to read the whole thing. Like the rest of the site, it’s not going anywhere. Even if I forget to check it very often.

Sorry, guys, it’s been a looong time. A lot of life has happened lately so I have been neglecting the site. But things are possibly in a state of change. So maybe there will be new material surfacing more regularly. Something huge for the blog is coming soon, especially for Al, but everyone should get a kick out of it! It’ll take maybe another three or so day to polish before posting, but it’ll be worth the wait. (more…)

A good question. For all 0.7 people that occasionally check this, I’ll let you know. In the leisure category I just got a PS3. Holy crap. Amazing! That’s the main reason. Next is work-wise.  Today I just commissioned and activated a new distribution voltage automation project (I work for the power company). This project first went in to conception almost two years ago and hardcore work started on it last November.  For a good 18 months I’ve actively worked on it and the past three months have been absolutely crazy.

But it’s done. As of today at about noon. It’s kind of weird being the main person behind a project that actually affects the voltage in peoples’ walls. It’s even stranger that the work I have done just may become a company-wide initiative (we have over 400,000 customers). Screwball me responsible for something like that… weird. I’m really excited to see all of my hard work actually manifesting in the real world!  But no one is THAT interested in it. I feel like celebrating, but there’s no one really interested to celebrate with.

If anyone is curious to hear more about either of these things, let me know. I just might make a real post again! Maybe with some cool pictures…

It’s just about time… My wife and I are flying to Japan on Wednesday. Wow! In nearly ten years of marriage this will be the most adventurous thing we’ve done. We’re going to visit Krimebot and his wife. You can find Krime’s “Surreal” blog on my blogroll.

I don’t even remember all the places we’re going, but it’s going to be interesting! Who knows how much I’ll be around a computer but if I’m near one I’ll try to post! We’re going to be taking a LOT of pictures with our new camera. I’m sure there will be plenty of interesting scenes in Tokyo, Kyoto and where ever else in the country we go. Stay tuned!

Greetings to people who don’t read this 🙂 I don’t think my friends check here much and I can’t blame them in the least. Life is crazy. Today is my first day back at the blog in over two weeks and there’s only one reason for that: I’m home from work sick today.

So I’m working on the leadership team at my church, working regularly with World Relief, oh yeah – there’s that whole job thing – and we hosted both Christmas and New Years at my house. I’m kinda slammed. Now I’m looking at starting martial arts again. I really enjoyed blogging, but it takes an amazing amount of time to do it well (that’s why I’ve been so scarce). So what’s the point of this post? (more…)

Life is still nuts. My Grandma just died this past week at 95. We will miss her, but she was really suffering. Now she has finished the race; a good and faithful servant. The funeral was actually a great time because family and friends have come together and it had been a long, long time since we’d seen them.  On top of that I am going to Canada for a week to visit my father-in-law that recently had open heart surgery. He’s doing well but apparently he’s very cranky. I’m sure I would be too if I had open heart surgery and couldn’t take pain meds. Pile these on top of working full time and helping lead a church and you can say busy. But not so busy, though, that I won’t leave you with some new reading. (more…)

I know it’s been forever. I doubt anyone even visits this site anymore. That’s life. But, for posteriy’s sake I will offer the following.

I have had no free time for blogging. I don’t even get to read the 30 or so blogs I used to follow daily. Not only have I been working with the music ministry at my Church (which takes a fair amount of time) something HUGE happened. I thought I was busy enough assembling a sound system an leading worship occasionally. Nope, I couldn’t get of that easily.

Of all the wacky ideas our church has asked me and my wife to join the leadership team of the church! Up to this point there were only three others on the team and two of them are the pastors! Actually I’m honored, humbled, excited and rather intimidated at the request. I didn’t know if I was ready for this, but that’s a good position to be in to allow God’s work to be done.

So, needless to say this has kept me very busy. Any free time I have that is not spent reading is spent re-charging by playing a video game. That’s kind of a necessary bit of maintenance with me. I can get 5 hours of goofing-off relaxation done in 1 hour of video gaming. Blogging is actually a lot of work, though work I really like.

So I’m not gone forever. I’ll just be scarce until after the new year. You can always drop me a line via e-mail through the ‘about me’ page. Now back to reading to be followed by a little gaming.

Just so you know, I’m reading Kester Brewin‘s The Complex Christ. If you work in ministry and are interested the future development of the urban church, here is my synopsis for you: …best…book…ever…


This is crazy… we just moved in and I was looking forward to blogging again. But now I learned we are committed to an open house on Sunday and that means the entire house must be unpacked, straightened up and cleaned.

So I have NO free time for the few days. I should be back up and rolling next Monday or Tuesday. I’ve got a lot of good stuff lined up and it’s frustrating that I can’t publish it. At least this way the house will get completely put together and I won’t have to worry about that. Then I can post pictures 🙂 Well, while you wait patiently here’s some stuff to waste time with. (more…)