May 2007

Okay, so Tarah tagged me here. I’ll play nice… for now… just because she took the effort. But know: I like tag memes only slightly more than chain letters. And you don’t want to know what I did with them 🙂 I guess I’m supposed to list seven little known factoids about me. Okay, I think I can handle that. (more…)

They’re up! Just check out my wife’s Flickr page here. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Japan is too cool…

We’re getting the pictures from our Japan trip on Flickr. In the mean time I have a few short crappy cell phone movies I took. For some reason they all have something to do with drinking… odd. (more…)

The good news: after a crazy amount of travel we’re back home safe and sound. I’m very happy to be greeted by what seems like the bluest sky ever (Tokyo is not known for it’s clean air) and green hills. I’m looking forward to using my own bed and finding crazy dark malty beer.

But it is with an unusual sense of sadness that I return to our happy home. It’s great – our home – it really is. But these past several days have taught me that two of the best people I could ever hope to know live half a world away. I now feel unbelievably closer to them then I ever have before, and at the same time I feel how unbelievably separated we are. I guess just as death and life are part of existence our lives must be comprised of sweet reunions and sad partings.

M&M – Here’s to you! I miss you already!

What a week… Wow! This has been one amazing trip! Sorry I was having too much fun to write more. I have tons of pictures so I will post this weekend once I sort through them.

In short Krime and his wife are two of the most interesting people we know. It was the coolest thing just to be able to hang out with them, let alone touring bits of Japan the whole time! I’m sad to be leaving them… but at least I’ll get back to my own bed and comfy American food.

In about 30 minutes we’ll head to the train station to being our trip home. The real weird thing about that is we will be travelling for 16 hours, give or take, and we will land in Boise three hours before we left Tokyo. This is going to be a long, long day. Ah well, life is good – very good!

Until next time, peace y’all!